Frequently Asked Budget Questions
A: Your estimated usage (based on a three year average use of gallons) is multiplied by the price per gallon and divided up into equal monthly Payments. If you choose to CAP your gallons, that fee is also worked into the monthly figure, as well as your service plan if applicable.
A: Your signed and initialed contract is due back within five days of receipt. First payment is due when contract is sent back. es here
A: Payments are due by the 15th of each month.
A: Yes, there is a minimum of 400 gallons required.
A: If you miss more than two payments, your budget is subject to going on a “Credit Hold” and we reserve the right to terminate the Budget Contract.
A: All products (heating oil, kerosene or propane) can be included, as well as a service plan if applicable.
(Service work above and beyond the contract must be paid separately, as well as gallons NOT included in the Budgeted Gallons reflected in the contract.) -
A: This fee allows us to purchase these gallons in advance for you, and let you follow the price down, should it drop with the market.
A: Your Pricing will revert to the original price structure on your account. Remember, if your gallons run out in March, you still have payments on your budget until May. Please work with your RH Foster Representative to figure out the best number of gallons for you for the heating season.
A: We pay 2.5% interest on credit balances up to the total amount of the budget.
A: We will work with you to do our best to come up with a payment that you can afford but also need to cover the number of gallons needed to get you through the heating season. Having a low payment but running out of gallons in February does you no good. You will need to purchase more gallons outside the budget and still make the rest of your monthly budget payments.
A: Your credit balance or the amount you owe (up to $400) will be rolled into your budget and figured into your monthly payments. A credit balance – lower monthly payments. You owe – a larger monthly payment – we always recommend paying off any balance at the beginning of the budget season to keep your payment as low as possible.
A: On a cash budget, we can adjust the gallon usage and payment as we need to. Let’s say it is a warm winter and you are not using the number of gallons we thought you would. In that case, when we look at our budgets in January 2024, we may end up lowering your payment.
On the other hand, if it is a colder than average winter and you are using more gallons than anticipated, we can adjust the payment and gallons up during our January review (or later if necessary)B: If you have a fixed price on a set number of gallons and you don’t use them all, the management team will review your situation, the number of gallons left and determine the next steps. All Fixed priced contracts have liquidated damages in them. Remember, when you fix a price on a set number of gallons, those gallons are secured at that time…meaning – you own them – we just need to deliver them.
A: We typically run budgets from June to May. However, we want to be flexible and do our best to help you with the heating season. Our budgets roll out in June with the first payment due in July. If there is a reason that this does not work for you, call your local office and we will see how we can accommodate.